Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Shot through the face - and you're to blame...

We kicked off our Necromunda campaign - Killericsgangomunda (because Dave has a sense of humor) - this past weekend. Four gangs are involved at this point - Orlocks, Delaques, Scavvies, and, of course, my Escher.

We're still getting the rules down, and had a couple of speed bumps along the way, but we all had a good time. Sadly, I lost a ganger in each of my two games, but I was lucky enough to pick up a free Juve in a Settlement in the post-game.

The play of the day for my games came when Pop-Top ran over to a blasted-out window to take out an in-cover Orlock that had been sending out harassment fire for the last couple of turns. Pop-Top shoved her bolt pistol through the window and opened fire, taking the Orlock out of action. Unfortunately, her weapon had a misfire, and exploded - ultimately killing her. As someone commented "If somebody somehow caught on fire and fell off a walkway" in addition to the bolter-in-the-face action, it would have been the most Necromunda thing ever.
RIP Pop-Top - you will be missed...

Too bad none of us remembered to take any photos of any of our games...

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