Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Shot through the face - and you're to blame...

We kicked off our Necromunda campaign - Killericsgangomunda (because Dave has a sense of humor) - this past weekend. Four gangs are involved at this point - Orlocks, Delaques, Scavvies, and, of course, my Escher.

We're still getting the rules down, and had a couple of speed bumps along the way, but we all had a good time. Sadly, I lost a ganger in each of my two games, but I was lucky enough to pick up a free Juve in a Settlement in the post-game.

The play of the day for my games came when Pop-Top ran over to a blasted-out window to take out an in-cover Orlock that had been sending out harassment fire for the last couple of turns. Pop-Top shoved her bolt pistol through the window and opened fire, taking the Orlock out of action. Unfortunately, her weapon had a misfire, and exploded - ultimately killing her. As someone commented "If somebody somehow caught on fire and fell off a walkway" in addition to the bolter-in-the-face action, it would have been the most Necromunda thing ever.
RIP Pop-Top - you will be missed...

Too bad none of us remembered to take any photos of any of our games...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Are you ready to rumble?

"Take the refinery - we need that styling gel!"
I've just added a page with (somewhat) decent photos of my Necromunda Escher gang, The Purple Skulls. Check them out using the link at the top of the page or here - or are you scared of a bunch of girls? (You really should be - they're pretty vicious.)

We're going to start a little campaign this weekend as well - hopefully my dice do a little better this time around. Nobody in my gang ever seems to pack enough ammo for a full gang war...